Hire Our Graduates

We make it easy to hire non-traditional talent and help to diversify your workforce. Our curriculum has been designed and developed in partnership with industry experts, ensuring junior talent is best placed to hit the ground running.

How Our Graduates Compare

Take2nz logo
Engineering Bachelors Degree
Engineering Bachelors Degree
Computer Science Bachelors Degree
Computer Science Bachelors Degree
React Front End Focus
Agile Practices
Full DevOps Cyle
Industry Mentors
Industry Work Experience
Life Skills
React Front End Focus
Agile Practices
Full DevOps Cyle
Industry Mentors
Industry Work Experience
Life Skills
Engineering Bachelors Degree
React Front End Focus
Agile Practices
Full DevOps Cyle
Industry Mentors
Industry Work Experience
Life Skills
Computer Science Bachelors Degree
React Front End Focus
Agile Practices
Full DevOps Cyle
Industry Mentors
Industry Work Experience
Life Skills

What Our Graduates Offer



Presentation Skills: HTML/CSS
Programming: JavaScript
Front End Framework: React
Web Services: NodeJS Express
Testing and coverage
Source control: Git
Command line bash style knowledge

Agile Practices

Daily stand-up meetings for communication and team culture
Ticket based work management via GitHub
Code Reviews
Tests and software delivery akin to a continuous integration (CI) practice
Sprint goals and retrospectives


Problem Solving via understanding and communication with others
Components and single purpose design
Code reuse and readability
Regular testing to reflect quality code

Self-Management & Communication Skills

Mindful self-awareness - lessen anxiety, frustration and improve focus
Self-driven learning via questions and personal growth targets
Explain technical concepts clearly
Explain the status of the work, nature of obstacles and delivery time estimates
Offer Illustration

Benefits Of Hiring A Justice-impacted Individual

Diversify your workforce

Diversify your workforce

Research shows a diverse workforce increases productivity. Take2 graduates bring much needed cultural and life experience diversity to the tech industry.

Hire loyal staff

Hire loyal staff

Research shows that employees with a criminal record remain at a company longer. In one of the most competitive industries for talent, you want to hire and invest in people that will stay the journey with your company.

Great work ethic

Great work ethic

Research shows people with a criminal record are promoted faster than those without.

Reinvest in your community

Reinvest in your community

Any company can have a social impact through a fair-chance hiring policy. Create thriving whānau’s through launching the career of a Take2 graduate. They have served their time. Don’t serve them a second sentence by excluding them from the workforce.

Find More Purpose In Your Job

A selection of leading companies that trust us

trade and enterprises

Will you join them?

There’s a reason we call you “employment partners”. We’ll work closely with you right from the outset to ensure both you and the graduate have a successful experience.

Once we agree to the partnership, you’ll receive a Take2 Apprenticeship Guide that takes you through key stages of the first six months of the employment. It outlines actions to take and provides valuable insights on how your new employee will be feeling and their needs. It also explains how Take2 fits into the equation and can support along the way.

The value you gain from hiring one of our graduates is just as important as what they gain from working with you.

Get in Touch

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you recruit students who could end up in a tech career?
Who is allowed to participate in the programme?
How does Take2 support the reintegration phase of the participant’s journey?
What extra support do Take2 graduates require in the workplace?
Do these individuals have the capability to learn tech skills?
If there is no internet access on the programme, how can a prospective  employer trust a graduate’s online use once they have internet access at their  company?
What about the risk of these individuals working for companies that have access  to the private details of thousands of Kiwis on their software systems?
Why should we take a chance on one of your graduates?

Looking To Hire Our Skilled Graduates?

Download the guide to learn more about the process and how you can get involved.
